
I have this

fly::create_dir { "/usr/share/mysql-zrm/pkgs" : mode => 0755, owner => bin,
group => bin }

==> creates the directory and parents .. it just does a mkdir -p with couple

so I have
                 file {  "$client_package_file" :
                                path =>
                                source =>
                                mode => 0444, owner => bin, group => bin,
                                links => follow,
                                notify => Exec[
"install-$client_package_name" ],
                                require => fly::create_dir[
"/usr/share/mysql-zrm" ]

So i need to make sure create_dir is executed before the 'file' being copied
but it fails with

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Syntax error at 'fly::create_dir'; expected '}' at
/var/lib/puppet/fly/modules/fly-zrm/manifests/client.pp:26 on node db10

can someone help me? .. i do not know if this is even possible and I could
different solution

i tried to capitalized the FLY. Fly, Create combination ..



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