On 09/13/2010 09:59 AM, Russell Jackson wrote:
> On 09/12/2010 07:32 AM, FreddieB wrote:
>> I looks like Puppet is not able to figure out that MySQL 5.1 is
>> already installed. If I list the packages installed (with pkg_info) I
>> find MySQL there but it's not called "mysql51-server" but "mysql-
>> server-5.1.48". If I go back to my init.pp and change the name from
>> "mysql51-server" to just "mysql-server", it works again (i.e. it will
>> not try to install the package again). It is not possible to start
>> with just "mysql-server", because there is no package called just
>> "mysql-server".
>> My conclusion is that FreeBSD's inconsistent way of naming the
>> packages fools Puppet to think it's not installed. I've never written
>> a line of ruby-code so I could use some help here. Can anyone think of
>> a good workaround?
>> BTW - my current, and not so pretty workaround is to link mysql-
>> server.tbz to mysql51-server.tbz on my local FreeBSD-mirror-site.
> Yes. The package system has turned out to be a royal PITA for puppet. I
> don't have any good work-a-rounds at the moment. I think we might be
> able to do something by specifying the package name as the port origin
> (pkg_info -o) and looking up the right package out of ports/INDEX.

I imagine it could work something like this:

  # Download the ports index
  mkdir /tmp/ports-index
  cd /tmp/ports-index
  bunzip2 INDEX

  # Lookup package name from origin path
  pkgname=$(awk -F\| '{ if ($2 == "/usr/ports/databases/mysql51-server")
print $1 }' INDEX)

  pkg_add -r

Checking if the package was installed could be done with pkg_info -O:

  pkg_info -O databases/mysql51-server | tail -n+2 | grep -qc '$' &&
echo 'installed' || echo 'not installed'

Then the resource definition would look like this:

package { "mysql-server":
  name => $operatingsystem ? {
    FreeBSD => "databases/mysql51-server",
    default => "mysql-server",
  ensure => installed,

Russell A Jackson <r...@csub.edu>
Network Analyst
California State University, Bakersfield

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