On Sep 10, 2:57 pm, Dan Bode <d...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> Hi Al,
> seems like its been a while :)

HI Dan,
yes indeed. But this time I should be more present. I've finally found
a job where I can actively work with Puppet, so I expect to pass much
more time around here.

> On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 5:50 AM, Al @ Lab42 <lab42...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I've a silly problem that it's driving me crazy and I'm almost sure
> > the solution is quick and easy.
> > Still it doesn't seem at my reach.
> > I've a variable with an array of values, such as:
> > users_ldap_servers = [ "ldapm.example42.com" , "ldaps.example42.com" ]
> > I want to use these values in a single line of a template:
> > host <% users_ldap_servers.each do |ldap| %> <%= ldap %> <% end %>
> that's weird, it should not  ignore your white spaces.
> I just tried:
> array<% array.each do |a| %> <%= a %><% end %>
> you could always use
> <%= "#{ldap} " %>
> as a last resort (although the above should work)

It's weird also for me, but still I don't get the expected result.
Also with your suggestion...

Thanks anyway

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