Actually nothing to do with the content of this post but is anyone else
getting a lot of mails from puppet-users at least twice? This particular
one came through 3 times with the same timestamp and same Message-Id.

On 31/08/2010 15:03, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
> Hi,
> For the past week, I have been trying to figure out the best way to do
> package management with Puppet on an Ubuntu system. I have studied many
> solutons I found on the web, but none of them seem to do exactly what I want.
> Among other things, I have tried everything that is discussed here:
> but none of that really works.
> What I would like, is for Puppet to run `aptitude update` before it
> installs or upgrades packages. That doesn't seem out of the ordinary to
> me, but I can't make it work in Puppet.
> The approach I like best, is this one:
>     class apt-update {
>         exec { "/usr/bin/aptitude update":
>             refreshonly => true,
>         }
>     }
>     define apt_package($ensure="latest") {
>         include apt-update
>         package { $name:
>             ensure  => $ensure,
>             require => Class["apt-update"],
>         }
>     }
>     apt_package { "foo":
>     }
> but that doesn't work, it doesn't run apt-update before installing 'foo',
> because of the "refreshonly => true". If I remove it, it works, but then
> `aptitude update` is run on /every/ Puppet run, which is worse than not
> running it at all.
> Is it at all possible to achieve what I want with Puppet? If so, how?
> I have tried to fiddle around with the new run stages feature, but that
> got me in a circular dependency mess I couldn't get out of.
> Desperately hoping for hints...
> Best regards,
> Martijn.


Trevor Hemsley
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