On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Gary Larizza <ccsh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In our External Node Classifier script if the node passed isn't found, it
> returns a blank YAML block...which is Puppet's que to look into our nodes.pp
> file for the node.  This is different from returning NOTHING, as it has to
> return a block of YAML with nothing in it  - in Ruby it looks like this (for
> us, at least):
>     default = {'classes' => []}
>     print default.to_yaml
> Are you returning an empty YAML block in your External Node Classifer script
> when Puppet should look to your config files (as opposed to the External
> Node Classifier script) for the node information?  If so, I'd say this might
> be a bug.
> -Gary

Yeah. I think I forgot that your supposed to return a blank yaml block
if the external node script can't find the node, which then imforms
puppet to go look at the files. Probably because that's not documented
anywhere. So, I fixed that, and now, I have this in

    external_nodes = /etc/puppet/getnode
    node_terminus = exec

and an external node in
/etc/puppet/manifests/extdata/app01.foo.com.yaml, which contains:

    - facility::paloalto
    - hardware::vmware
    - function::appServer
    - elements::tfel0

xenvironment: production
    node_ldap_groupdn: cn=ops,ou=groups,dc=foo,dc=com

yes, with bogus data. There's an extraneous 'XXX' there and
environment has an 'x' prefixed to the front. Puppet isn't finding it,
it seems because the client is just logging:

Aug 20 20:08:09 s_...@app01.foo.com puppet-agent[14873]: Starting
Puppet client version 2.6.0
Aug 20 20:08:09 s_...@app01.foo.com puppet-agent[14873]: Finished
catalog run in 0.03 seconds

and when I run the script manually, I get:

prov01 /etc/puppet/manifests/extdata:# /etc/puppet/getnode app01.foo.com
    - facility::paloalto
    - hardware::vmware
    - function::appServer
    - elements::tfel0

xenvironment: production
    node_ldap_groupdn: cn=ops,ou=groups,dc=foo,dc=com

So... something is borked with puppet and I don't know what. *sigh*


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