Thanks for the feedback Jeff.  Interesting feature that I had
unfortunately overlooked until now, but the basic question still
remains; how would I then generate specific hostfiles based on nodes
of the same tag? For instance, a web server to only have host entries
for items tagged webserver only, and not one large on-size-fits-all
file.  Thanks,

On Jul 2, 9:39 pm, Jeff McCune <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 10:40 AM, CraftyTech <> wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >     Can someone point me in the right direction here.  I'm trying to
> > create an erb template for my /etc/hosts file, so that when executed,
> > it populates the /etc/hosts file only with entries that are tag
> > relevant.  For instance, if a server is tagged apache, only the apache
> > tagged entries would be populated into the /etc/hosts file.  Thanks in
> > advance for you help.
> I recommend using the built in host type to model and manage entries
> in /etc/hosts rather than a template.
> Modeling your configuration using a type rather than a file will allow
> you to declare the resources as virtual, then simply realize them if
> they're tagged with the tag you care about.  In addition, you'll
> receive a bunch of additional features "for free" like the
> relationship graph, meta-parameters, reporting, etc...
> For example:
> class apache {
>   @host { "zaphod": ip => "" }
> }
> # Realize host entries tagged with "apache"
> Host <| tag == "apache" |>
> --
> Jeff McCune

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