Good day to you.

I've updated my puppetmaster and clients to 0.25.x and also updated
file serving paths to include "/modules/". I also use foreman to
monitor puppetd reports, after update there are sporadically emerging
errors :
"Failed to retrieve current state of resource: Mounts without paths
are not usable Could not describe /modules/puppet-client/ Mounts without paths are not usable
at /srv/puppet-modules-prod/puppet-client/manifests/init.pp:23"

Corresponding file resource is described as :

  file { puppetconf:
    path => $operatingsystem ? {
      freebsd => "/usr/local/etc/puppet/puppet.conf",
      default => "/etc/puppet/puppet.conf",
    ensure => present,
    replace => true,
    mode => "0664",
    owner => "puppet",
    group => $operatingsystem ? {
      default => "puppet",
    source => [

The fact is, puppet client tries to fetch file, which name is, for
example, , but that file doesn't exist
in corresponding /files/ directory. I'd file a bug, but currently I'm
not sure whether it's puppet or foreman problem. For clarification,
that happens only when I run puppetd from cron (and errors happen not
100% of the time), but when I run "puppetd --test" from console it
runs fine without errors.

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