On Jun 26, 2010, at 12:32 AM, Thomas Bellman wrote:

> Jean-Baptiste Barth wrote:
>> I'd like to be able to deploy a skeleton directory through puppet, i.e. 
>> puppet deploys it only if it does not exist.
> [...]
>> But I have 2 problems for the moment :
>> - if I don't set owner/group, it takes uid/gid on the puppetmaster, which 
>> does not exist on the node ; if I do set these options, the directory is 
>> scanned each time and all files are chown'ed to this user/group, which is 
>> absolutely not desired behaviour in my case (puppet should not change 
>> ownership for files it doesn't manage in my case...)
>> - I'd like puppet to let user change some files in the skeleton as they 
>> want, i.e. skip this directory if it just exists
> The second problem you can solve by using the 'replace => false'
> parameter to the file type.  However, if the user *removes* one
> of the files in the skeleton directory, then Puppet will download
> it again, so maybe it isn't quite enough.
> And even with 'replace => false', Puppet will manage ownerships
> and modes of all files.
> One solution is to develop a custom fact that gets set to true
> if the target directory already exists, and not set if it doesn't.
> Then you can do
>    if $dir_opt_foo_data_exists != "true" {
>        file {
>            "/opt/foo/data": source => ..., recurse => true, ...;
>        }
>    }
> This doesn't scale very well to many directories, though, as you
> need one custom fact for each such directory.  Another way is to
> do it with an exec:
>    exec {
>        opt-foo-data:
>            command => "wget -r http://.../ && chown -R auser:agroup data",
>            cwd => "/opt/foo", path => "/bin:/usr/bin",
>            creates => "/opt/foo";
>    }
> Note the use of the parameter 'creates => "/opt/foo"', which will
> make Puppet only run the command if /opt/foo doesn't already exist.
> The disadvantage is that you need to configure and run a web server
> (or ftp server) somewhere as well.

I usually do it this way (using wget and tar), but you could push the directory 
somewhere else using puppet and put "cp -a" in the exec.

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