Iā€™m happy to announce a new version of Foreman - 0.1-5

Highlights are:

*Web interface*

Most of the pages have been rewritten, there are many changes:

Search options

   - Hosts (filter based on facts, based on host groups etc
   - Facts (all hosts with fact x or with value y etc)
   - Reports (show me all failed reports in the last 3 months etc)
   - Audits (per user, per type ā€“ e.g. all hosts, per action ā€“ e.g. delete)

Improved Graphs for dashboard and per host

Host edit page now has a lot of logic

   - Class selection depends on your chosen environment
   - Class selection breaks down into modules, making it easy to navigate
   - Inherited classes (via hostgroups), are also visible.
   - Unattended settings will only show selection based on the os (e.g. no
   debian disk templates will be shown to redhat based os etc).
   - Clone existing hosts (instead of choosing all of the options again)

Perform changes on many hosts at once

   - change a parameter for many hosts
   - change host group for many hosts
   - change environment for many hosts
   - delete many hosts at once

Import new puppetclasses from the interface

*Unattended installations*

   - added support for dynamic disk layout
   - added kickstart/preseed compatibility with Ubuntu 10.04, RHEL6 beta,
   Fedora 13
   - Support for customized kickstart files (e.g. if you use a package like
   rpm, you can create your own kickstart which will not be replaced on next
   - medias can now be shared with many operating systems (e.g. with
   replacing variables for $arch or $version)
   - x-rhn-provisioning headers support for booting from other devices than

*Query interface*

   - added verbose mode, which will return all of hosts classes, facts and
   external node parameters.
   - added query based on a hostgroup


   - Host ownership (via a user or a user group) base infrastructure for per
   host authorization (e.g. who can change what) and sending the reports to the
   right people.
   - Speed optimization when keeping many reports in the db

   - Puppetdoc integration
      - Foreman can generate puppetdoc (via a rack task, so you can add it
      to your repo post commits scripts), and links to the docs via the puppet
      classes page.

   - Improved PRM packaging
      - added startup script for foreman (uses webrick)
      - moved all config files to /etc/foreman and /etc/sysconfig/foreman
      - moved log files to /var/log and added logrotate support
      - moved db files state dir
      - ...
   - Added Debian package support

   - Fact importer now imports the hardware model information

Full changelog can be found here: http://theforeman.org/versions/show/7

New rpms should already be available in Foreman repos, Debian package will
follow shortly.

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