> We wrote it all in Perl :-).

Ah, did you use any CPAN modules, or did you wrote all from scratch?
Just out of curiosity.

> Yep:http://docs.reductivelabs.com/references/stable/metaparameter.html

Yes, I remember to have consulted this reference already a couple of

> Something like:
> (where module_path is usually /etc/puppet/modules)

Oh, I started populating /etc/puppet/manifests/classes
So is it better to organize stuff in modules right away?

> Create a file: $module_path/my/manifests/package.pp
> With the contents:
> define my::package (...args...) {
>   ... do stuff here ...
> }

Ok, the qualified naming scheme of the packages seems to reflect the
dir structure then (similar to Perl modules/namespaces).

> Will enable you to call it from anywhere:
> my::package{"foo": ensure => installed }

as expected.

> The rpm provider still won't pass --nodeps I think :-).

Yes, it won't.
But thanks to your definition sample I now know how to tackle this.

Btw, I forgot that I also need to import the GPG key from the packager
before having the RPMs installed
(unless I intersperse some --nodigest or --nosignature in the command
of the exec block of my custom package definition, I  suppose)

So I also included this kind of definition in my class (hope that will
Of course I now know that I should rather factor that out into a
separate name space.

    define keypackage($ensure=installed) {
        $cmd = "rpm --import ${name}"
        package { $name:
            noop    => true,
            ensure  => $ensure,
            source  => "puppet://puppet/nagios/${name}",
            require => Exec["rpmkey-import"],
        exec { "rpmkey-import":
            path    => "/bin:/usr/bin",
            command => $cmd,
            unless  => 'rpm -qa gpg-pubkey|xargs rpm -q --qf "%
{summary}\n"|grep -qi wieers',

Btw. the $name variable I gather refers to "varname" or title that I
assign keypackage on its "instantiation",
like so?

keypackage { "RPM-GPG-KEY.dag.txt":

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