On May 18, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Silviu Paragina wrote:

> On 18.05.2010 22:47, Ken wrote:
>> Yes I think your correct Silviu. You want 'include' not 'import'.
>> To explain:
>> Import is more like the C #include directive - it effectively just
>> pulls the contents of the external file into the current one. Because
>> you didn't have a file 'servername.pp' you got an error (as one would
>> expect :-).
>> Include is a bit more magical. It does the import (behind the scenes)
>> of the file<modulepath>/manifests/init.pp and then calls the class
>> found inside it. I'm simplifying but I figure you get the idea :-).
> :-?? when I started using puppet, import was looking in the modules path 
> also. I still have an import from that time and I don't use the standard 
> paths and it still works for me. Maybe something different in newer versions 
> (I'm using 0.25.4)

import can use relative paths.  Could the file you were talking about have been 
in a module's directory?

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