
I have the following module for installing HP software on HP Servers:
class hpasm {


    $packagelist = [ "hpasm", "hpacucli" ]

    if ($manufacturer == 'Xen') or ($manufacturer == 'Sun
    else {
        file { "/opt/compaq":
            owner => root,
            group => root,
            mode => 755,
            ensure => directory,
        file { "/opt/compaq/cma.conf":
            owner => root,
            group => root,
            mode => 600,
            ensure => file,
            require => File["/opt/compaq"],
            source => "puppet:///hpasm/cma.conf",
        package { $packagelist:
            ensure => installed,
        service { "hpasm":
            ensure => running,
            enable => true,
            require => Package['hpasm'],

The Software should not be installed on XEN or SUN systems. But on a
Testsystem I get the following:

# facter |grep manu
manufacturer => Sun Microsystems

And when I run puppet:
/usr/sbin/puppetd --waitforcert 60 --masterport 7002 --no-daemonize --
onetime -l console --noop --tags hpasm
notice: Starting catalog run
notice: //Node[default]/hpasm/Package[hpasm]/ensure: is absent, should
be present (noop)
notice: //Node[default]/hpasm/Service[hpasm]/enable: is false, should
be true (noop)
notice: //Node[default]/hpasm/File[/opt/compaq/cma.conf]/ensure: is
absent, should be file (noop)
notice: Finished catalog run in 2.58 seconds

But this should not be. Has Puppet problems, when I have serveral
words in afact, since it works perfectly for Xen Systems.

Any Ideas are appreciated.

BR, Rene

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