Le mercredi 31 mars 2010 à 16:22 +0530, LOhit a écrit :
> Hi,


> Since puppet doesn't have HA/fail over capabilities as of now. How
> does one mitigate a puppet master failure( Ex. Hardware). When you
> replace the server and configure the Puppet masterd, the clients may
> no longer be able to communicate with the server, since the server's
> SSL certificates would have changed. 

I have 2 masters, certs are available on both. If one fails the second
one handles the job. Quite easy with nginx + mongrel (my setup).

> BTW, I am using puppet to manage about 700+ hosts, I am beginning to
> worry about the scenario as mentioned above. I definitely don't want
> to login to each host to clear the "ssl" directory to make it request
> new certificate.

Tools like fabric can do this quite easily in 5 minutes of work


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