If you don't want to edit your regexp, a simple solution could be
adding something like this to the beginning of your manifests :

if $hostname == "host-that-should-be-excluded" {}
else { your actual manifest }

At least that worked for me as I just tested it.


On 29 Mrz., 10:35, LOhit <lohi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry if this question has been answered before (Could not find the answer,
> Google didn't help either :) ).
> While specifying hosts I have used a regexp like this. " *
> /^hst[0-9]+.domainname/* " I have about 300+ hosts matching this regexp and
> is working pretty well, so far. However, I have 2 hosts in this list which
> have to be excluded. But, I don't know how to do that.
> Can anyone please provide some pointers/ tips to fix this?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> LOhit

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