On Thursday 25 Mar 2010 11:48:44 Gustavo Soares wrote:
> I have thought of using qualified variables, but i think that won't work
> inside a tempalte, right? Or can I do <%= class::variable %> ?

It will but you have to use <%= scope.lookup('class::variable') %> (note, 
typing from memory, to be sure check the puppet templating page on the wiki, 
there is an example there).

> And I guess that if I am using dynamic variables, once I include the it
> will be evaluated only once, right?

I'm not sure what you mean by dynamic variables, but the class is indeed 
evaluated only once (and therefore variables are bound only once IIUC), even 
though it is included from a define which may be declared (i.e. 'called'?) 
multiple times.

Michael Gliwinski
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