On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Steven VanDevender <ste...@uoregon.edu> wrote:
> Douglas Garstang writes:
>  > On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Steven VanDevender <ste...@uoregon.edu> 
> wrote:
>  > > Douglas Garstang writes:
>  > >  > On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Alan Sparks 
> <aspa...@doublesparks.net> wrote:
>  > >  > > Douglas Garstang wrote:
>  > >  > >> Is there a way to quiesce the puppet daemon, such that it stays
>  > >  > >> running, but does not run updates, until instructed again to do so?
>  > >  > >>
>  > >  > >> We have puppet deploying our software, and would like to quiesce
>  > >  > >> puppetd so that it doesn't restart services etc until after the
>  > >  > >> upgrade is done.
>  > >  > >
>  > >  > > Use "puppetd --disable" and "puppetd --enable".
>  > >  >
>  > >  > I... guess... that will do. Not ideal though as it stops puppet from
>  > >  > running new updates by making it think it's already running. It also
>  > >  > doesn't log to syslog that it's currently disabled, so it makes it
>  > >  > tough to see if it's been running for a long time and is completely
>  > >  > borked, or just locked for an upgrade.
>  > >
>  > > Why not have the service require something that will only be present
>  > > once the upgrade is complete?
>  >
>  > I'm not sure, but how would we get puppet to stop the service, run a
>  > database upgrade script (and maybe some other stuff), and then restart
>  > the service all in the same puppet run?
> I'm not sure how you'd do that all in the same puppet run, or whether
> that would even be desirable.  But you can certainly use "require" to
> ensure that things happen in a particular order, even if it takes
> multiple Puppet runs to work through all the steps.

I don't think it's possible in the same run. I'm quite familar with
require. I've spent months trying to get all the dependancies correct
on our software. It's been a nightmare and I'm actually afraid to
touch it now for fear of breaking it, as it's so damn complicated.

But... I think I'll have to stick with disabling puppet before an
upgrade, performing the upgrade and then enabling puppet.


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