On Mar 18, 2010, at 12:24 PM, Thomas wrote:

> Looking into it more, I think I found the root of the problem. The
> following is a snippet from my puppet configuration:
>      # create /var/log/mysql/archived_logs
>      file { "archived_logs":
>               path    => "/var/log/mysql/archived_logs",
>               ensure  => directory,
>               mode    => 775,
>               owner   => "mysql",
>               group   => "mysql",
>               recurse => "true",
>               require => File[mysql_log]
>      }
> What I see happening in strace is puppet trying to read in data from
> one of the files in the archived_logs directory. Did I make a mistake
> in my configuration here?

What exactly are you trying to do here?  Are you trying to push logs from the 
server to the clients?  If not, why do you have "recurse => true"?  If you are 
trying to push permissions, this isn't a good way to do it.  Sadly, Puppet is 
slow enough that an exec with "chown -R mysql:mysql 
/var/log/mysql/archived_logs" and a "chmod -R ..." would probably be much 

One wild guess would be that a file in that folder is locked, and puppet is 
blocking on trying to do something to that file.

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