On 3/2/2010 4:40 PM, Joe McDonagh wrote:
gehel wrote:
Hello !
I'm trying to implement a Nagios solution based on David Schmitt's
Complete Config. But I the following error when running puppetd -t -
v :
notice: Starting catalog run
err: //Node[monitoring]/nagios::target/Nagios::Host[]/File[/conf.d/
_host.cfg]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Could not set
present on ensure: No such file or directory - /conf.d/
_host.cfg.puppettmp at /etc/puppet/modules/nagios/manifests/init.pp:40
notice: Finished catalog run in 3.91 seconds
As far as I understand, the problem comes from :
define host($ip= $fqdn, $short_alias = $fqdn) {
@@file {
ensure => present,
content => template( "nagios/host.erb" ),
mode => 644,
owner => root,
group => root,
tag => 'nagios',
When this definition is run, it seems that ${nagios_cfgdir} and $
{name} are undefined. I am probably missing something quite simple,
but I cant put my finger on it ... Any help ?
My Nagios class is as follow :
class nagios {
$nagios_cfgdir = '/etc/nagios3'
include apache
package {
nagios3 :
alias => 'nagios',
ensure => latest;
[ 'nagios3-common', 'nagios-plugins-basic' ]:
ensure => installed,
before => Package['nagios'];
service {
alias => 'nagios',
ensure => running,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
file {
content => "admin:QqtpoTN5OGzmA",
mode => 0640,
owner => root,
group => www-data,
File <<| tag == 'nagios' |>>
define host($ip= $fqdn, $short_alias = $fqdn) {
@@file {
ensure => present,
content => template( "nagios/host.erb" ),
mode => 644,
owner => root,
group => root,
tag => 'nagios',
class target {
debug ( "$fqdn has $nagios_parent as parent" )
nagios::host { $fqdn: }
And my nodes.pp :
node 'monitoring' inherits basenode {
include apache
include nagios
$nagios_parent = "generic-host"
include nagios::target
Thanks a lot !
Unfortunately, the variable is out of scope. I ran into this problem too
and sadly ended up hard coding the value all over the place because it
would have been difficult to set it in one proper spot, short of
site.pp. Which I may end up doing, since I hate repeating myself. That
project got put on the back burner but I will be re visiting fairly soon.
Exactly. $nagios_cfgdir is supposed to be a site-global configuration.
You can either use ${nagios::nagios_cfgdir} to reference the variable
within the class (but "include nagios" in the define, so the variable
exists already) or put it into your site.pp and forget about it.
Regards, David Schmitt
dasz.at OG Tel: +43 (0)664 2602670 Web: http://dasz.at
Klosterneuburg UID: ATU64260999
FB-Nr.: FN 309285 g FB-Gericht: LG Korneuburg
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