On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:59 AM, Michael Gliwinski
<michael.gliwin...@henderson-group.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 Feb 2010 16:22:44 Lindsay Holmwood wrote:
>> Performance, expressiveness, stability. Pick two.
> You make it sound like it's impossible to write a well performing, expressive
> and stable system in C/C++, etc.  Surely you can't think that?

I don't think that.

What I *do* think is that something like Puppet that needs to abstract
out a bunch of stuff across various platforms is only really going to
work as an open source project with a healthy and active community.

You're much more likely to get such a community form around a high
level language than a lower level one.

I wouldn't have contributed as much to Puppet as I've done if it was
written in C/C++.

> I once had an idea of using puppet to also manage configuration on some
> embedded systems (routers, NAS, heck even tablets like maemo-based), that went
> quickly out the door once I realised how well performing ruby is.  Still I
> think it would be a valid use case.
> Regards,
> Michael
> --
> Michael Gliwinski
> Henderson Group Information Services
> 9-11 Hightown Avenue, Newtownabby, BT36 4RT
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