Hi all,

I'm new to puppet and I can't seem to figure out how to get rid of
this error on the client or to get the recursive copy of files to the

err: //dev_oracle_dev_tools::install/File[/tmp/oracle_dev_tools]:
Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': Error
400 on SERVER: private method `gsub' called for nil:NilClass

My module is called 'dev_oracle_dev_tools' and it is defined as:

class dev_oracle_dev_tools {
        include dev_oracle_dev_tools::install

class dev_oracle_dev_tools::install {
        file { "/tmp/oracle_dev_tools":
                recurse => "true",
                ensure  => "directory",
                group   => "root",
                owner   => "eblack",
                mode    => 750,
                source  => "puppet://$server/modules/

And I call it like:

node "file01.eblack.dev.gg.net" {
        include "dev_oracle_dev_tools"

All the other file parameters directives are followed on the client;
ie: directory is created if it doesn't exist and mode, group, owner
are set.

The error goes away if I comment out the 'source' parameter.

Hoping someone can help me because I've spent a couple hours on this
and I couldn't find any answers anywhere.


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