Le mardi 02 février 2010 à 12:08 -0500, Michael DeHaan a écrit :
> Just one more email and I'll let you go for a few hours :)

Hello puppeters

> One of the things I like to see in apps is that they are immediately 
> intuitive and easy to use for new users.  I think Puppet is really good 
> here, but there's opportunity to make everything better.   We want 
> everyone to love Puppet from their first few minutes using it, all the 
> way through to datacenter nirvana.
> With Puppet, if you're just learning it, what were some of your 
> stumbling blocks?   If you are an existing user, think back to that 
> time, or times when you were talking with new users?

To join Peter : SSL. SSL is just a pain in the a**. As you said, some
don't want to know about ruby webservers in detail, some don't want to
know about SSL.

Tell more in the beginner's guide about DNS, and the need to have a
clean DNS for puppet to work fine.

A place to share manifests. To me the wiki is not the right way to do
this. A kind of puppet github would be nice : you push your classes into
it, other people get them.

A "common errors" list that beginners can search through to find error.
The poptop project has some pages like this that ease debugging. BTW,
some error messages would need to be a little "user friendly"

My 0.02€


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