Hi. I'm trying to do a test/proof of concept of Puppet as a tool to manage our systems.
In our enviroment we have several different instances of apache running on each "webserver" machine, and several instances of tomcat running in our "appservers" machines I'm trying to duplicate that structure using Puppet on a Ubuntu machine I'm using for testing, to no avail yet. Isnt any well know recipe to do this? Or at least an idea about how to go to achieve it? So far what I've done is this: - Define a class webserver that ensures the apache package is installed and NOT running, and creates a directory for the instances info to be stored class webserver { case $operatingsystem { ubuntu: { $web_packages = "apache2" } } package { $web_packages: ensure => installed } service { httpd: name => $operatingsystem ? { ubuntu => "apache2", }, ensure => stopped, enable => false, } file {"/etc/webinstances/": ensure => directory, owner => root, group => root, mode => 755, } } - Include that class into a definition of "webinstance" that tries to populate the directory of that instance from the puppet fileserver, and start/stop a "base" service provider with a script generated from a template: define webinstance(owner,group,ensure = running) { include webserver file { "/etc/webinstances/$name/": owner => $owner, group => $group, mode => 600, ensure => directory, recurse => true, source => "puppet:///webinstances/$name/", } file { "/usr/sbin/start_$name.sh": owner => root, group => root, mode => 700, content => template("start_instance.erb"), } file { "/usr/sbin/stop_$name.sh": owner => root, group => root, mode => 700, content => template("stop_instance.erb"), } service { "$name": ensure => $ensure, provider => base, start => "/usr/sbin/start_$name.sh", stop => "/usr/sbin/stop_$name.sh", status => "/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/webinstances/$name/apache2.conf -k sta rt", require => [ File["/etc/webinstances/$name"],File["/usr/sbin/start_$name.sh "],File["/usr/sbin/stop_$name.sh"] ], } } - every node that needs to have an instance will define it node staberinde { webinstance { "uno": owner => root, group => root, ensure => running, } webinstance { "dos": owner => root, group => root, ensure => running, } } ... but appart from not getting the scripts to start & stop the instances (it says the scripts "return 1" although I can run them from the prompt without problem: err: //Node[staberinde]/Webinstance[uno]/Service[uno]/ensure: change from stopped to running failed: Could not start Service[uno]: Execution of '/usr/sbin/start_uno.sh' returned 1: at /etc/puppet/manifests/webinstance-definition.pp:31 ... the other thing that is making me think this is convoluted and wrong is... what if I want the same instance in 2 nodes, as we do? can I use the definition on both nodes with the same parameters and not get an error cause I'm defining the same resource twice? Best regards, ------------------------------ Jesús Couto F.--
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