I am trying to use the package class to manage a gem and I need to
specify the source. I tried doing the following:

package { "gateway_install_support":
    ensure => installed,
    provider => gem,
    source => "http://gems.ublip.com:8808";,
    require => Exec["ruby setup.rb"]

but this causes the error:

err: //Node[byron-dev.numerexfast.com]/base_gateway/Package
[gateway_install_support]/ensure: change from absent to present
failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/gem install --include-dependencies
http://gems.ublip.com:8808' returned 512: ERROR:  could not find gem
http://gems.ublip.com:8808 locally or in a repository

Which looks like it is trying to use the source parameter as the gem


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