
   I'm curious if their are any magic variable builtins that one can
use in situations like the following.

   In the following example the file element name is
"solaris_media_locations".  I have that same filename in the path and
content values.   Is their any shorthand way to reuse the element

file { "solaris_media_locations":
        path    => "/opt/SUNWjet/etc/solaris_media_locations",
        content => template("jumpstart/solaris_media_locations.erb"),
        require => File[SUNWjet],

  For example something like this

file { "solaris_media_locations":
        path    => "/opt/SUNWjet/etc/$element_name",
        content => template("jumpstart/$element_name.erb"),
        require => File[SUNWjet],

  I've survived my first 6 weeks with puppet using the syntax in the
first example and it's not really a big deal.   As I'm getting more
and more comfortable I'm just wondering if their are "better" ways for
some of my manifest markups.

  Thanks.  Derek.


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