Douglas Garstang wrote:
> I'm trying to install/upgrade to a specific version of an RPM with
> puppet. I'm getting the following:
> Dec 14 17:58:40 papp1 puppetd[8438]:
> (//Node[]/Elements::Setup[tfel0]/Package[tf-elements-core-tfel0]/ensure)
> change from to failed: Could not update: Failed to
> update to version, got version instead at
> /etc/puppet/modules/elements/manifests/init.pp:31
This means the support tools (yum/rpm I guess in your case) couldn't 
find the version specified (, and the latest version it could 
find was ( At least this is how I interpreted the message 
(maybe someone could confirm).

What you should check:

1. Can yum install the version you want (14.3.....)? (try it from 
command line on the client)
2. Is yum the default package provider for puppet?
        run puppet on the client like this
          puppetd --test --debug --trace --verbose
       and check the output for the default package manager. (maybe 
paste this here)

For 1 the solution is to configure yum so it can find the package. As I 
am not familiar with yum I can't help you beyond this point if this is 
the case.
For 2 well a lot of things can happen so post the debug output from the 
client. :-)


> My manifest at line 31 has:
>     package {
>         "tf-elements-core-${name}":
>             ensure => "";
>     }
> The puppet documentation implies I can put a version number where I
> have it. I currently have version 1.0-1 of the RPM installed.
> papp1 ~:# rpm -qa | grep tf-elements-core
> I haven't tried it yet, as it's ugly, but might this work?
>     package {
>         "tf-elements-core-${name}":
>             ensure => installed;
>     }
> I prefer the first though.
> Doug.
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