There's been off-and-on discussion on this list about external nodes,
and it's provided a lot if insight as to how others are using this
feature.  We're trying to move toward it, but struggling with how to
manage all the parameters that we use in our node manifests today.

All of our modules and manifests are in git with separate puppet
environments (development, testing and production).  However, this
also includes all of our node definitions, which is the root of the
problem.  What we're trying to avoid is having to commmit changes in
git just to add a new server.  Adding a new server should not require
touching the puppetmaster (other than a new cert).

Below is snippit of a node definition for one of our J2EE application
servers.  We use modules for just about everything, but each module
typically has a lot of parameters passed to it...

node {

   network::interface { "bond0":
     address => "",
     gateway => "",
     onboot  => "yes",
     master  => "yes",
     slave   => ["eth0", "eth1"],
     vlan    => "no",
     netmask => "",
   network::interface { "bond0:1":
     address => "",
     netmask => "",
     require => Network::Interface["bond0"],
   network::route { "eth0":
      gateway => ["",   "",  ""],
      netmask => ["",  "", ""],
      address => ["",  "",
   mount { mymount:
      ensure    => mounted,
      device    => 'nfshost:/path/to/something',
      fstype    => nfs,
      name      => '/nfs',
      dump      => "1",
      pass      => "2",
      options   =>
   tomcat::instance { "my-tomcat-instance":
    address  => "",
    ensure   => "present",
    version  => "5.",
    ssl      => false,
    dmz      => false,
    shared   => true,
    vhosts   =>
    cluster  => "true",
    mport    => ["45574", "45575", "45576"],
    lport    => ["4018","4019","4020"],
   jboss::instance { "my-jboss-instance":
     ensure    => present,
     ip        => "",
     opts      => "-server -Xms192M -Xmx1024M -\$SERVER_IP,
     mclose    => "8186",
     tomcatver => "50",
     jbossver  => "3",
     lvmname   => "myjb",

Leaning toward using Cobbler to hold this data, since we use it
anyway.  Adding puppet classes to a Cobbler system is easy, but adding
all these parameters just seems like a daunting task.  LDAP or Foreman
are possibilities as well.



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