back on my own account again, updating:
hi! thanks for the advice
i think i don't understand the nature of 'include'. in my mind include
is something that is invisible to the actual engine that does's a shorthand

that replaces 'include X' with the contents of X and then the software
goes to work on the final result and humans don't have to look at
hugely long files.

so when i see a file that says

class A {



include A

it seems like it's i'm thinking in the puppet
world..does include have some stronger meaning like "and execute the

here is the specifics of my multilayer include world:


my attempt to trace the lineage of the resource i'm bumping into

in my manifest/node file:

node "" {


include base::setup


i'd like to TURN ON SERVICE netfs for this node



in /etc/puppet/modules-base/trunk/base/manifests/init.pp:

class base::setup {


    include services::setup




in /etc/puppet/modules-base/trunk/services/manifests/init.pp:

class services::setup {


            include services::base



class services::base {


        service { netfs:





so give this, i tried this (but it didn't work) in my manifest/node

class myoverrideclass inherits  services::base {

        service { netfs:

                enable  => true,

                ensure  => running,

                hasstatus => true,



  include base::setup

  include myoverrideclass

i ran: puppetd -ov --no-daemonize

on the client server and got:

err: Could not retrieve catalog: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed
with error ArgumentError: Duplicate definition: Service[netfs] is
already defined in file /etc/puppet/modules-base/trunk/services/
manifests/init.pp at line 385; cannot redefine at /etc/puppet/
manifests/nodes/ on node

i even tried moving the 'include base::setup' to be above the
'myoverrideclass' definition but still the same problem...

On Nov 25, 2:17 pm, Peter Meier <> wrote:
> Hi
> > i've been fiddling around with the inherits form...but..i can't seem
> > to get any headway out of it.
> What is your problem with inheritance? Maybe we can give you a way out  
> and  following example shows you that it is the way to go:
> $ cat foo.pp
> class a {
> file{'/tmp/a': ensure => file}
> file{'/tmp/b': ensure => file}
> }
> class b inherits a {
>   File['/tmp/b']{ensure => absent }
> }
> include a
> include b
> $ puppet foo.pp
> notice: //a/File[/tmp/a]/ensure: created
> $
> you can include the inherited class anywhere you'd like to. So for  
> example simply write disable classes for the services you don't want  
> to manage on certain nodes and then include these in your node.
> cheers pete


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