On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Russ Allbery <r...@stanford.edu> wrote:

> Andrew Schulman <google-groups-and...@sneakemail.com> writes:
> > Hi.  I'm running facter 1.5.1 in Ubuntu Jaunty.  facter is giving me
> > inconsistent results for the operatingsystem fact:
> > $ facter operatingsystem
> > Debian
> > $ facter | grep operatingsystem
> > operatingsystem => Ubuntu
> > operatingsystemrelease => 9.04
> > Is this a known problem?  Possibly fixed in a more recent release?  I
> > searched the list for it and didn't see any reports of this.
> This sort of thing is a common problem with facter caused by the fact that
> facter doesn't load all plugins unless you run it without options.  I
> think there may have been some subsequent work to improve this, but I'm
> not sure.

Ugh. This is particularly sucky, and I vote this fact needs to be fixed for
this irrespective of the plugin loading issue.

The problem is:

        if Facter.value(:lsbdistid) == "Ubuntu"
        elsif FileTest.exists?("/etc/debian_version")

the first invocation doesn't fill lsbdistid, so it falls through to Debian
when /etc/debian_version exists on Ubuntu.

> --
> Russ Allbery (r...@stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>
> >


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