
Since upgrading from 0.24 to 0.25, I've seen repeatedly puppetd clients
just stop when they're unable to reach the puppetmaster for a while.
With the normal logging level, they just seem to stop without writing
anything in their log.

I've seen this with 0.25.1rc1, rc2 and final, which are all of the
0.25.x I've tried (always with the same version on clients and master).

Similarly, for the past 3 weeks 0.25 has been running, at the time of
our cron.weekly, a huge number of puppetd clients stop in a similar way.

Here are the relevant lines of the puppetmaster.log :
Sun Nov 01 04:02:05 +0100 2009 Puppet (notice): Reopening log files
Sun Nov 01 04:02:05 +0100 2009 Puppet (notice): Starting Puppet server
version 0.25.1
Sun Nov 01 04:02:16 +0100 2009 Puppet (warning): require is a
metaparam; this value will inherit to all contained resources
Sun Nov 01 04:17:33 +0100 2009 Puppet (warning): 'newservice' method
already exists; skipping
Sun Nov 01 04:18:42 +0100 2009 Puppet (notice): Compiled catalog for
foo in 992.54 seconds
Sun Nov 01 04:18:58 +0100 2009 Puppet (notice): Compiled catalog for
bar in 1007.44 seconds

Then until 04:47, many compiled catalogs take up to 2000s, but after
that all are back to less than 1s.

My first guess, since the puppetd processes contact the puppetmaster
every 30 minutes, is be that the ones which have executed their run
between 04:02 and 04:17 are the ones that died.

I'm using a pretty simple setup, RHEL5 with puppet installed from
packages on the master and about 200 clients.

Is this a known problem with 0.25 clients? Has anyone seem these
problems too?


Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages : http://freshrpms.net/
Fedora release 10 (Cambridge) - Linux kernel Load : 0.66 0.51 0.37

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