I'm trying to have a exec dependency on a service object that would keep
it from being restarted if the exec fails.  Unfortunately, the service
gets refreshed regardless whenever the exec is run, failure or not.

I've tried various combinations of subscribe/require/notify, but can't
find an elegant way to not restart the service when the dependency
fails.  I must be missing something obvious.

We have a few needs for this model, here's a (simplified) example of one:

class dhcp::server {
    package { dhcp3-server: ensure => installed }

    service { dhcp3-server:
      ensure => running,
      hasstatus => true,
      require => [ Package["dhcp3-server"], Exec["check-dhcpd-conf"] ],

    exec { "check-dhcpd-conf":
      command => "/usr/sbin/dhcpd3 -t 2>&1",
      refreshonly => true,
      subscribe => [ File["/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf"], File["/etc/dhcp3"] ];

    file {
        source => "puppet:///dist/dhcp/$hostname/dhcpd.conf";
        source => "puppet:///dist/dhcp/include",
        recurse => true;



Jason Lavoie
Ratvarre sbe uver

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