(Douglas Garstang) writes:

> I've got a mostly working puppet manifest for mysql, except for one problem.
> I'm using the RPM from the MySQL web site, and the packagers of this
> RPM in their infinite wisdom decided that the mysql service should be
> automatically started when the RPM was installed.


If you don't like this behaviour tell Sun.

I use something like this, simplified (somewhat) which causes no problems.

# Installation of MySQL server binaries
class mysql::server {
        package {
                [ "MySQL-server-communitiy" ]:
                ensure => installed,
                notify => Exec[ "chkconfig_mysql" ]

        # Configure the service.
        # - Do NOT ensure enabled as this is carried out by chkconfig_mysql.
        service { "mysql":
                hasrestart => true,
                hasstatus  => true,
                require    => Package["MySQL-server-community"],

        exec { "chkconfig_mysql":
                path    => [ "/sbin", "/bin" ],
                command => "chkconfig --levels 345 mysql on",
                unless  => "chkconfig --list mysql | grep -q 
                require => Package["MySQL-server-community"],


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