no not really but I found the problem .. the version I have a bug when  
using allow * in fileserver.conf and then I changed that to the IP it  
worked :) but the other article is quite interesting because I was  
going to use the enviroment for customers .. so instead of development  
I would use customer01

Best regards

On Oct 14, 2009, at 9:45 PM, Nigel Kersten wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Kim Gert Nielsen <>  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> can anyone using facts verify that what I'm doing should be correct ?
> Does this shed light on things?
> scroll to:  "Plugins and Facts"
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 8:13 PM, desdic wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been trying to make facts work via modules (According to
>>> but its
>>> simply not working. I have been getting help via #puppet (And that  
>>> has
>>> been a big help) but still no luck
>>> Data:
>>> Master+server running Debian with puppet version 0.24.5-3
>>> puppetteer:/etc/puppet/modules/mysqlserver# find .
>>> .
>>> ./manifests
>>> ./manifests/init.pp
>>> ./plugins
>>> ./plugins/facter
>>> ./plugins/facter/mysqlversion.rb
>>> ./files
>>> puppetteer:/etc/puppet/modules/mysqlserver# cat plugins/facter/
>>> mysqlversion.rb
>>> require 'facter'
>>> Facter.add("mysqlversion") do
>>>       setcode do
>>>               %x{mysql -V}.chomp
>>>       end
>>> end
>>> and in my manifest I use
>>>  case $mysqlversion {
>>>    default: {
>>>      err(" mysqlversion is $mysqlversion")
>>>      err(" mysqlserver  is $mysqlserver")
>>>    }
>>>  }
>>> but the strings $mysqlversion and $mysqlserver is always empty. I  
>>> run
>>> my puppetmaster with puppetmasterd --no-daemonize -d --verbose and  
>>> the
>>> client with puppetd --no-daemonize -d -o --verbose
>>> now when I run this I get the debug message:
>>> ....
>>> debug: importing '/etc/puppet/modules/mysqlserver/manifests/init.pp'
>>> info: Autoloaded module mysqlserver
>>> err: Scope(Class[mysqlserver]):  mysqlversion is
>>> err: Scope(Class[mysqlserver]):  mysqlserver  is
>>> ...
>>> but if I add this on the client
>>> # mkdir -p ~/lib/ruby/facter ; export RUBYLIB=~/lib/ruby
>>> # cd ~/lib/ruby/facter
>>> and then add the same .rb script but with Facter.add("mysqlserver")
>>> and then run the master + client again I actually get the  
>>> mysqlversion
>>> filled in $mysqlserver .. so my facter is working but to me it seems
>>> that its not beein distributed to the client or a path is missing
>>> my server configuration:
>>> [main]
>>> logdir=/var/log/puppet
>>> vardir=/var/lib/puppet
>>> ssldir=/var/lib/puppet/ssl
>>> rundir=/var/run/puppet
>>> factpath=$vardir/lib/facter
>>> pluginsync=true
>>> [puppetmasterd]
>>> templatedir=/var/lib/puppet/templates
>>> my client configuration:
>>> [main]
>>> logdir=/var/log/puppet
>>> vardir=/var/lib/puppet
>>> ssldir=/var/lib/puppet/ssl
>>> rundir=/var/run/puppet
>>> factpath=$vardir/lib/facter
>>> pluginsync=true
>>> factsignore=.svn CVS *.*~
>>> [puppetmasterd]
>>> templatedir=/var/lib/puppet/templates
>>> anyone can tell me I'm doing wrong ?
>>> Best regards
>>> Kim
> -- 
> nigel
> >

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