This feature (which prob needs some more work) allows the system to keep
track of all of the changes that have occurred and how they relate to puppet
manifest versions.

I am doing the following in a custom report
  if report is related to a new puppet code release - log it under that code
  else if it is related to some unexpected event (prob a user changed a file
or its a manifest bug) -
    send an email

determining how puppet reports relate to code versions can be unreliable.
You can only know the code version when the custom report runs and not when
the puppet agent runs. This means that the version that you can capture is
not necessarily correct. This feature takes care of that problem by saving
code version at puppet agent runtime.

Of coarse there are other hackish ways to correlate puppet agent runtimes
with correct versioning, but it would be difficult to argue that they are
better than this implementation.

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Carl.caum <> wrote:

> I was looking at this option last nigh and perhaps I'm just dense, but
> I'm not sure how it will benefit me. In theory, I know which version I
> have in production/testing/dev by which subversion/git tag I have
> checked out on the master. Am I missing the point? Can someone provide
> an example when this would be useful?
> On Oct 10, 2009, at 2:29 AM, James Turnbull <>
> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Just thought I'd call the lists attention to a feature that we
> missed documenting for the 0.25.0 release.
> A new configuration option, config_version, is now available:
> config_version = /usr/local/bin/return_version
> The option allows you to specify a command that returns a version
> for the configuration that is being applied to your hosts. The
> command should return a string, such as a version number or name.
> Puppet then runs this command at compile time. Each resource is
> marked with the value returned from this command. This value is also
> added to the log instance, serialised and sent along with any report
> generated. This allows you to parse your report output and ascertain
> which configuration version was used to generate the resource.
> Regards
> James Turnbull
> - --
> Author of:
> * Pro Linux Systems Administration (
> * Pulling Strings with Puppet (
> * Pro Nagios 2.0 (
> * Hardening Linux (
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