
I'm trying to do something a bit strange, so just say if I'm doing it
wrong ;)

I'm trying to keep a file off the puppet clients, but have the data
available at run time. In this case it's a key for an encrypted volume
I'm having Puppet set up. To accomplish that I'm trying to use the
fileserver client to grab the data as needed, the code currently looks
like this:

        uri = URI.parse(URI.escape(source))
rescue => detail
        self.fail "Could not understand source %s: %s" % [source,
case uri.scheme
when "puppet":
        host = uri.host
        host ||= Puppet[:server]
        args = { :Server => host }
        if uri.port then args[:Port] = uri.port end
        server = Puppet::Network::Client.file.new(args)
                contents = server.retrieve(uri.path, :ignore)
                return contents
        rescue => detail
                self.fail "Could not retrieve key from path %s %s: %s"
% [host, uri.path, detail]
self.fail "Could not retrieve key"

but when I run it I get Puppet::Network::XMLRPCClientError: Name and
IP must be passed to 'allowed?'

so I must be missing an authentication step somewhere, but the File
type doesn't have any clues. Any ideas?

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