In the type reference (
TypeReference), under the file resource, it says "As Puppet matures,
it expected that the file resource will be used less and less to
manage content, and instead native resources will be used to do so.
If you find that you are often copying files in from a central
location, rather than using native resources, please contact Reductive
Labs and we can hopefully work with you to develop a native resource
to support what you are doing."  I thought there was previously even
stronger wording that implied this would eventually go away (that
stronger wording seems to have disappeared in the last few days, along
with the TOC).

I'm finding the file type ideal for handling configuration files.
I've got a set of MySQL slaves that receive their my.cnf file this
way, and its templated to assign them all unique server-ids (required
for MySQL replication).

Re the comment above, is there a better way to get these configuration
files on each host?  What native resource would I use to accomplish


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