In testing the move to 0.25 (tried with both 0.25.0 and 0.25.1rc1),  
I'm now getting the following error, seemingly everywhere that notify/ 
require is used:

For example:

err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Parameter notify  
failed: No title provided and title '{"title"=>"smb",  
"type"=>"Service", "builtin_type"=>nil}' is not a valid resource  


err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Parameter require  
failed: No title provided and title '{"title"=>"/var/tmp/gwc",  
"type"=>"File", "builtin_type"=>nil}' is not a valid resource reference

There's nothing particularly interesting about the manifests that I  
can see.

Any ideas?

class samba::server {
     case $operatingsystem {
         centos: {
             $sambadir = '/etc/samba'
             package { 'samba':
                 ensure => installed,
             service { 'smb':
                 ensure => running,
                 hasrestart => true,
                 hasstatus => true,
                 enable => true

     remotefile { "${sambadir}/smb.conf":
         source => 'samba/smb.conf',
         mode => 0444,
         notify => Service[smb],
class geoserver::server {
   file {'/var/lib/geoserver':
     ensure => directory,
     mode => 0775,
     owner => tomcat,
     group => tomcat

   file {'/var/lib/geoserver/gwc-conf':
     ensure => directory,
     mode => 0775,
     owner => tomcat,
     group => tomcat,
     require => File['/var/lib/geoserver'],

   # cache location
   file {'/var/lib/geoserver/gwc':
     ensure => '/var/tmp/gwc',
     require => [File['/var/tmp/gwc'],File['/var/lib/geoserver']],
   file {'/var/tmp/gwc':
     ensure => directory,
     mode => 0775,
     owner => tomcat,
     group => tomcat

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