On Sep 19, 2009, at 05:11 EDT, Peter Meier wrote:

> Hi
>>> The standard way to do that is:
>>> source => 
>>> ["puppet:///foo/file-$hostname","puppet:///foo/file-$lsbdistcodename
>>> ","puppet:///foo/file"]
>>> - check for modules/foo/file-www4, then file-jaunty, then file
>> As I understood source arrays, would only grab the first one to
>> succeed, Type Reference says "If you specify multiple file sources  
>> for
>> a file, then the first source that exists will be used.".    Is that
>> page out of date?
> No and it is working like that. But TypReference says as well:
> * sourceselect:
> Whether to copy all valid sources, or just the first one. This  
> parameter
> is only used in recursive copies; by default, the first valid source  
> is
> the only one used as a recursive source, but if this parameter is  
> set to
> all, then all valid sources will have all of their contents copied to
> the local host, and for sources that have the same file, the source
> earlier in the list will be used. Valid values are first, all.
> So you can have both variants.
> cheers pete

I'd missed that.  Thanks!!


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