On Sep 14, 6:49 am, Robin Sheat <ro...@kallisti.net.nz> wrote:
> Op dinsdag 15 september 2009 01:29:09 schreef CaptTofu:
> > * Having the certificate requests for these new instances
> > automatically signed
> > * Creating a new node for a new instance, once it is up and I know the
> > host/ip. As you know, you don't know that until Amazon assigns this.
> > How could I automate this? My first impulse is to write Perl or Ruby
> > code to write a nodes.pp file, but I'm guessing there is a better way
> > to do this (???)
> I have puppet configuring all my EC2 images from (almost) scratch to do
> whatever it is they should be doing. I only have a single node definition for
> all of them, and use --fqdn to force them to all pretend to be the same node
> to the puppetmaster.
> To distinguish the images from each other, I use the user data, and made a
> factor plugin that will pull that in as 'key=value'. The node description then
> uses those variables to work out what to do, basically with a lot of if
> statements.
> As all our EC2 servers are simple variations on a theme (glassfish Java
> application servers running a webapp backed with postgresql), it's quite
> effective. About 20 minutes after startup, all going well, the instance is
> completely configured and running (it takes a while as it's pulling a lot of
> small things over a fairly high-latency connection.)
> The plugins and some other misc scripts are 
> here:https://code.launchpad.net/~eythian/+junk/ec2facts
> an example of what I put in the user data is:
> inst_glassfish=true
> inst_apache2=true
> inst_apache2ssl=true
> inst_postgresql=true
> apache_domain=my.domain.com
> apache_template=default
> gf_appcontext=context
> gf_apps3path=s3bucket/path/webapp.war
> pg_database=dbname
> pg_db_username=username
> pg_db_password=password
> pg_db_backup=s3bucket/backup/location
> gf_connpool=ConnectionPool
> gf_jdbcname=jdbc/TheDB
> gf_autoredeploy=false
> ebs_volume_id=vol-12345678
> gf_restartondeploy=true
> --
> Robin <ro...@kallisti.net.nz> JabberID: 
> <eyth...@jabber.kallisti.net.nz>http://www.kallisti.net.nz/blog      |||      
> http://identi.ca/eythian
> PGP Key 0xA99CEB6D = 5957 6D23 8B16 EFAB FEF8  7175 14D3 6485 A99C EB6D
>  signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload


I posted how Speakeasy deals with certs during a kickstart on the
Cobbler list awhile back, though you could easily use this
implementation without kickstart. Basically the new host runs 'curl -k
https://puppetca | tar xC /' and puppetca runs a simple script that
generates the cert.


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