On Sep 4, 1:46 am, Julian Simpson <simpsonjul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You need to tell Puppet to manage both a gem and an RPM.  Adding
> 'provider => gem' to the appropriate package declaration will do that.

> 2009/9/4 Matt Delves <m.del...@ballarat.edu.au>:
> > The problem is that I currently have the mysql package installed as an
> > rpm via puppet, though I'm also wanting to use puppet to manage the
> > mysql ruby gem. Unfortunately when I do this, puppet complains with the
> > following error:
> > ArgumentError: Duplicate definition: Package[mysql] is already defined
> > Is there a way to get around this?

Do try Julian's suggestion first, but I suspect that it will not be
sufficient.  The root problem appears to be that you are using the
same name for the RPM package resource and the gem package resource.
I don't think Puppet will allow two resources of the same name and
type, even if they have different providers.  If you do need package
name uniqueness then you *might* be able to arrange it like so:

# Puppet should refer to this Package resource as "mysql-gem", whereas
gem should consider the gem name to be "mysql".  Maybe.
package { "mysql-gem":
    name => "mysql"
    # Must specify the provider when it is not the system default:
    provider => "gem"

If that doesn't work either then you might need custom code to get
around the problem.

Good luck.

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