Hi there.

I am trying to fix hostnames in our Redhat distributions.

Some of our server has some hostname un uppercase, and I need to change them
into lowercase because people that use the server rather like lowercase

I did some basic work :

Template :
$ cat /var/puppet/templates/rh-network.erb
# WARNING this file is autogenered by puppet. Any change there will
#         be overwritten every 30 minutes
<% if lsbmajdistrelease == "5" %>
<% end %>
HOSTNAME="<%= myfqdn %>"

Class used :
$  cat rh-hostname.pp
class hostnameclean {
        #$myfqdn = downcase ($fqdn)
        $fqdn.downcase => $myfqn
        case $operatingsystem {
        "Redhat" : {
                file { "/etc/sysconfig/network" :
                        ensure => present,
                        path => "/etc/sysconfig/network",
                        mode => 0644,
                        owner => root,
                        group => root,
                        content => template("rh-network.erb");

Unfortunatly seems that function downcase doesn't seems to implemented into
my puppet server :

FreeBSD 7.2-p2 on i386 platform
puppet-0.24.8       A configuration management framework written in Ruby
ruby-,1  An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
facter-1.5.6        A cross-platform Ruby library for retrieving facts from

Any hints ?


Xavier Beaudouin - http://kazar.net/

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