
how do I tell with user type to use userdel with -r short of using exec type?

i have a user account called `foo'
so i created a test puppet file local to the system called test.pp

# cat test.pp

user {"foo":
           ensure => absent,
           managehome => true,

when I apply it on solaris or linux the userdel does not use the `-r' switch

# puppet -d test.pp
debug: Failed to load library 'shadow' for feature 'libshadow'
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderNetinfo: file nireport does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice: file
/usr/bin/dscl does not exist
debug: Failed to load library 'ldap' for feature 'ldap'
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderLdap: feature ldap is missing
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderPw: file pw does not exist
debug: Creating default schedules
debug: //User[foo]: Changing ensure
debug: //User[foo]: 1 change(s)
debug: User[foo](provider=user_role_add): Executing '/usr/sbin/userdel foo'
notice: //User[foo]/ensure: removed
debug: Finishing transaction 68415230 with 1 changes

# puppet -d test.pp
debug: file pw does not exist
debug: file /usr/bin/dscl does not exist
debug: true value when expecting false
debug: file nireport does not exist
debug: Creating default schedules
debug: Failed to load library 'ldap' for feature 'ldap'
debug: //User[foo]: Changing ensure
debug: //User[foo]: 1 change(s)
debug: User[foo](provider=useradd): Executing '/usr/sbin/userdel foo'
notice: //User[foo]/ensure: removed
debug: Finishing transaction -606510198 with 1 changes

on solaris I am using puppet 0.24.8 and on linux (ubuntu) it is puppet 0.24.5

Asif Iqbal
PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer: pgp.mit.edu
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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