grandpa wrote:
> I'm VERY new to puppet (had quite a bit of fun for a few days!).

Great, welcome to the community!

> I'm trying to set up a variable amount of watch dirs - i.e when
> something happens execute a command.
> I've defined watch::config ( $command, $paths, $watchType="recursive",
> $events="default" ) - the specifics aren't that
> important.
> This has been working ok with $paths just being $path. Now that I've
> switched to an array of paths,
> I'm having some trouble ensuring that all paths exist (if they don't
> the watch fails). I'm unsure how to
> got about this...
> With one path I could easily ensure it's existence, but with a
> variable amount I just don't know. There
> are, afaik, no looping in puppet (except for erb but that won't do
> it). Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way...
> Any tips?

Resources can take arrays as "title":

| $paths = [ "/foo", "/bar" ]
| file { $paths: ensure => directory }

Be aware though, that File doesn't manage the parent directories. If you 
need that too, I think there is a recipe on the wiki using mkdir -p in a 

Regards, DavidS

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