Couple of minor revisions.

1) Thank you Ohad Levy for the original cgi script. Sorry about not  
giving you credit.

2) if [ '$NVRAM' == 'no' ]; then
should be
if [ "$NVRAM" == 'no' ]; then


Allan Marcus

On Jul 9, 2009, at 7:12 PM, Allan Marcus wrote:

> Putting it all together, here's what I have for cert management on  
> Macs.
> 1) A launchd job to launch puppet every hour
> 2) a script on the client to determine a unique attribute of the Mac
> and use it for cert name
> 3) a CGI on the server to clean a cert if the machine was re-imaged
> 3a) note: alter /etc/sudoers on the server to allow the cgi to run
> puppetca
> Testing is rather easy. Runt he script on the client (as
> root). Delete the /etc/puppet/ssl dir then run again. The system
> should clean the cert on the server
> (1) This plist file should be in /Library/LaunchDaemons/
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" 
> "
> ">
> <plist version="1.0">
> <dict>
>       <key>Label</key>
>       <string>com.mycompany.puppetd</string>
>       <key>ProgramArguments</key>
>       <array>
>               <string>/usr/bin/</string>
>       </array>
>       <key>QueueDirectories</key>
>       <array/>
>       <key>StartInterval</key>
>       <integer>3600</integer>
>       <key>WatchPaths</key>
>       <array/>
> </dict>
> </plist>
> (2) /usr/bin/ and chmod 700 and chown root:wheel
> #!/bin/sh
> # script
> # Script to run puppet and use the "correct" certname
> # we need the certname to be unique, so hostname is not great
> # by Allan Marcus of LANL
> # Version History
> # 2009-07-08: initial version
> # this script is run from a launchd job
> # this suffix is added to the value to make it look like a FQDN.
> # This allows for auto sign to work on the server with a simply  
> wildcard
> # this is the server to sent a puppetca clean to
> # ---------------
> # see if the MAC_UID is in nvram already
> MAC_UID=`nvram MAC_UID 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2}'`
> if [ -z "$MAC_UID" ]; then
>       # flag that nothing is in nvram yet
>       NVRAM="no"
> fi
> # get the serial number for this Mac
> if [ -z "$MAC_UID" ]; then
>       MAC_UID=`facter | grep sp_serial_number | awk '{print $3}'`
> fi
> # if the MAC_UID is still null
> # get the primary MAC address
> if [ -z "$MAC_UID" ]; then
>       MAC_UID=`facter | grep 'macaddress =>' | awk '{print $3}'`
> fi
> # if all the above fails, get the hostname
> if [ -z "$MAC_UID" ]; then
>       MAC_UID=`hostname`
> fi    
> # assuming we have something, write it to nvram
> # getting it from nvram is much faster and is limited to this
> # specific computer
> if [ '$NVRAM' == 'no' ]; then
>       # cert names must be lowercase
>       MAC_UID=`echo $MAC_UID | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"`
>       MAC_UID=${MAC_UID}.${SUFFIX}
>       nvram MAC_UID=${MAC_UID}
> fi
> RESULTS=`puppetd -o --no-daemonize -v --certname=$MAC_UID 2>&1`
> RESULTS=`echo $RESULTS | grep 'Certificate request does not match
> existing certificate'`
> if [ -z "$RESULTS" ]; then
>       exit 0  
> else
>         # curl call to a CGI to clean the cert
>       curl "http://${SERVER}/cgi-bin/cleanCert.rb?certname=${MAC_UID}";
> fi
> ### end script ####
> (3) On the server in the CGI directory. On a Mac server you also need
> to allow CGI's in server admin.
> #!/usr/bin/ruby
> # clearCert.rb
> # cgi to clean a cert
> class Puppetca
>       # removes old certificate if it exists
>       # parameter is the certname to use
>       # need to allow the _www user to use sudo with the puppetca command
>       # added using visudo
>       # _www    ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/puppetca, !/usr/bin/puppetca --
> clean --all
>       def self.clean certname, addr
>               command = "/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/puppetca --clean #{certname}"
>               # for some reason the "system" command causes Mac apache to 
> crash
>               # when used here
>               %x{#{command}}
>               %x{"logger #{addr} cleaned #{certname}"}
>               return true
>       end
> end
> =begin
> CGI starts here
> =end
> # get the value of the passed param in the URL Query_string
> require 'cgi'
> certname = cgi["certname"]
> # define the characters that are allow to avoid an injection attack
> # 0-9, a-z, period, dash, and colon are allowed. All else is not
> pattern = /[^a-z0-9.\-:]/
> # determine if any other characters are in the certname
> reject = (certname =~ pattern) ? 1 : 0
> if ((reject == 0) && Puppetca.clean(certname, ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']))
>       cgi.out("status" => "OK", "connection" => "close") {"OK #{certname}
> cleaned\n"}
> else
>       cgi.out("status" => "BAD_REQUEST", "connection" => "close") {"Not
> Processed: #{certname}\n"}
> end
> >

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