I'm trying to figure out how "ensure => running" determines whether a
service is running or not (CentOS using init controlled services).

I have a custom service that has enable => running set on it:

service { "foo":
    ensure => running,
    enable => true

Every time puppet runs I see this:

notice: //Service[foo]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'

and yet the binary is running, and my init.d script thinks it's running:

# /etc/init.d/foo status
foo (pid 4487) is running...
# echo $?

My guess is that I'm not doing something quite right in my init.d script as
I have other custom services that are working just fine, but since I cloned
this one from a working one, it's baffling me. How does puppet check whether
a service is running or not for an init service?


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