On Jul 6, 11:00 am, David Schmitt <da...@dasz.at> wrote:
> Dick Davies wrote:
> > Think he means this :http://nephilim.ml.org/~rip/puppet/concatfile/
> > (Volcane on IRC recommended/wrote it; the idea is for e.g. each service
> > that needs a firewall rule can create a fragment of an iptables config,
> > which is then concatenated into a single config file by the iptables class.)
> Actually, I 
> meanthttp://git.black.co.at/?p=module-common;a=blob;f=manifests/defines/co...
> which is mostly the same, since Volcane and I were heavily influenced by
> each other.

Well thank you, that seems to answer my question; however I can't help
but think there's gotta be a better way to do this. This looks like a
limitation in core puppet. I don't find the idea of performing such
computations on the client very puppet-like.

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