Gary Larizza wrote:
> I love where this thread is going, I too share in this problem.
> Kurt:  Puppet is still being run on the client because the client is
> using a cached config (am I right on this guys?).
> I love the scripted ssh key, but ALSO love the PHP script that could
> be CURL-ed from the client.  Will a PHP script be able to capture the
> hostname of a connecting client?  From there, the php script could
> call puppetca to clean the cert and create a new one...would this be
> cleaner than bundling a cert with your base-image?  Unfortunately, I'm
> not that versed in PHP to hash a script out from scratch.  Does anyone
> have a rough outline that we could steal?

Also be great if this discussion and any resulting configuration or code
could end up on the wiki somewhere too...


James Turnbull

Author of:
* Pro Linux Systems Administration
* Pulling Strings with Puppet
* Pro Nagios 2.0
* Hardening Linux

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