I'm about to deal with the same issue. This certainly isn't a Mac only  

The way I see it a "puppetca --clean <machineName> needs to be  
executed on the server.

I figure either a puppet admin has to do it, which it labor intensive,  
or a script can do it. I haven't figured out a way for the script to  
know which certs to clear though. I was thinking of setting up an  
authenticated web page that would allow field techs to submit a FQDN  
to a list, then a cron job on the server would check the list every X  
minutes and clear those certs.

What do other shops do? Please let us know.


Allan Marcus

On Jun 30, 2009, at 12:26 PM, engle wrote:

> I am trying to come up with a workable solution in managing numerous
> Mac workstations allowing a high degree of flexibility with regards to
> certs.
> My puppet environment is setup to application installation on machines
> that have been 'imaged' with a base OS and the puppet and facter apps.
> So, when a Mac is 'imaged' and subsequently re-booted, puppet is run
> at startup, a cert is created and autosigned (I know that is not
> recommended...but...) and queries are performed on our LDAP database
> and apps are installed based upon the Mac's membership in various
> groups.
> My issue is with machines that need to be re-imaged. I am not real
> well versed on how certs and CA's function, but the newly imaged
> device fails to get a new cert from the CA(puppetmaster) and the CA
> complains that it has a cert for the device that does not match the
> request.
> So, would it be best to use a single cert for all of the clients or is
> there a better way to deal with this sort of setup?
> Thanks for any replies,
> Kurt Engle
> >

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