
I was wondering this too last week. I haven't tested this yet, but I 
assume using "require" and "before" would do the trick:



> I want to create a directory and THEN get files into that directory on
> a client.
> Puppet it seems does not follow the order of commands, like below in
> my example.
> Sometimes it creates the directory, then downloads the file, and
> sometimes it tries to download the file before creating the directory,
> so the file won't be downloaded.
> How can I download a file and make certain the destination directory
> will be there before this file is downloaded?  thanks again!  -jason
> class theclass (
>  exec{'mkdir -p /opt/scripts':
>                 unless => 'test -d /opt/scripts',
>         }
>  file { "/opt/scripts/my_script.sh":
>                 owner => "root",
>                 group => "thegroup",
>                 mode => 770,
>                 source => "puppet:///files/my_script.sh",
>         }
> )
> > 

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