On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Don<d...@blacksun.org> wrote:
> Ack- sorry I got my examples backwards- The overrides should have come
> after the included classes like so:
>> node www02.example.com {
>>   include zones::global
>>   include roles::general
>>   include roles::webserver
>>   $ldap_servers = ['ldaptest1.nyc.example.com',
>> 'ldaptest2.example.com']
>> }
>> node host1.nyc.example.com {
>>   include zones::global
>>   include zones::nyc
>>   include roles::general
>>   include roles::ldapserver
>>   $ldap_servertype = "slave"
>> }
> Sorry for the confusion (and the previous absurdly long email).
Long yes, but it did help define your issue. I think the first layout
would be a more correct one, and from my experience should work,  I
think. Have you tried doing zones::global and zones::nyc as inherits?
When you then redefine the variables in the node definition they
should override the settings in the inheritance. Inheritance puts
things in the parent scope and includes puts variables in the child

> This means that to change something like an ACL, which might be the
> same across several different services, you now need to change it in
> several templates, or several node definitions. That can not be
> considered a good way to do things.
This type of situation where you have the same thing defined across
several nodes is in theory best handled by virtual resources. I have
encountered similar issues and that is the advice I got. I am still
working on making that change so am not sure who much use my
explaining virtual resources will be.

As a general thought, looking at the complexity you have, are you
using external node definitions? From what I have read on the list and
about you site that looks like it would be extremely useful to you and
possible something using stored configs could help resolve your


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