Justin -

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 2:36 PM, <justin.kin...@academy.com> wrote:
> I currently manage approximately 150 hosts with a handful of ZLM policies,
> but I've had one too many policies lost by the management server to keep
> using this solution.
> I'm wondering if anyone has any experiences (good or bad) they'd be willing
> to share specific to using Puppet with SLES (9 and 10).

I've been running puppet on SLES9, SLES10, and just got SLES11 working
for a couple of years now. No problems outside of the normal puppet

> What experiences have you had with package management tools?  Would it be
> worth the effort to install the same tool (yum, zypper, rug, etc.) on every
> host, or just use whatever is included with the O/S?

I ditched rug and zypper and went with yum. There were enough
resources out there for yum and syncing with opensuse repositories
made it easy.
Rug and zypper, IMO, were disasters and never worked well for me - way
too slow and a PITA to configure repositories.

> My plan is to use two virtualized sles 10 servers to host services as listed
> below.  Do you see anything wrong with the following design?
> mgt01:
> -puppetmasterd/mongrel behind Apache2
> -svn repository hosted here
> -CruiseControl or some other build automation tool
> -reporting scripts
> mgt02:
> -installation sources for sles 9 and 10, along with a custom repo that
> contains facter, puppet, and ruby rpms
> -updates mirrored using Novell's smt
> -autoyast control files
> -dhcp/pxe (future)
> I'm still digging through James Turnbull's book, but are there any other
> must-read sources out there?  (besides the wiki)

Wiki and mailing list (Along with the training) were all I've used.
James' book is on my list of todos.


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